Thursday, June 6, 2013

This is war 

UtaPri has been doing a wonderful job so far and I think the second season has lived up to expectations. As excited I was for it, I didn't think it'd be this great. The character episodes continued until 8 and from 9 onwards, it took an unexpected turn. And by unexpected, I mean some unpredictable things happened. Also, the episode structure for the episodes have become quite obvious. The idol gets a type of job and he has some problem with it, which Nanami unknowingly solves with her cuteness and words. 

Before you start wondering what that picture and caption I put up there ;3 I'll go into detail about episodes 6-8 first. 

In Episode 6, we are introduced to Ren's older brother. Ren reveals to Masa that his brother is the one who asked him to go to Saotome Academy and merely wants to use him as a cover for the company he's working in for profit. He reveals this when ( like all the other episodes where the characters get to work in a place they can promote themselves ) he is to be featured in the Japan Boys Collection show. He is making his debut when on his way back, the power is cut off and the audience is left in darkness. To calm them down, he promises to sing a song for them.

Haruka realises that she has to put the instrumental music on for Ren to sing and rushes off, only to see Ren's brother. He asks her who she is and understanding what she's trying to do, he helps her and manages to put the instrumental track on time, injuring his hand in the process. Later on, Ren talks with his brother and realises that his brother commanded him to go to Saotome after their parents died was for his own sake. Ren's music and singing had helped his brother to hold his head up in difficult times and because Ren was stubborn then, the only way he could get Ren to go pursue his passion in music was to strike up a deal with him. Ren makes Haru-chan blush around the end and of course, we see a gentler and deeper ( don't forget HOTTER ) side of him.

Episode 7 was Natsuki's episode. I love Satsuki, enough said. Natsuki's story was simple. He was invited for a photoshoot because the director of this lipstick brand called...Lipstick heard about him from a cameraman who saw Satsuki when he crashed HAYATO's concert. Natsuki tells Haruka on the way there that he feels like there's someone who has been protecting him all his life. Apparently, this woman whom Natsuki trusted stole his song when he was young and ran away with it. Thus, Satsuki was born out of Natsuki's despair. Natsuki has written lyrics to the song that Haruka gave him and she feels that his "resolve" through the lyrics, the will to change and stuff. So basically, Natsuki wants to be stronger and yeah. 

What's the episode without Satsuki right? So Satsuki appears, crushes the glasses and ST☆RISH go on a chase to put the glasses on Satsuki ( they heard from Syo about Satsuki ). Haruka rushes after Satsuki after he escapes and he, subdued by her persistence, listens to her pleas to consider Natsuki's feelings of wanting to be stronger. Cecil passes by with cool new sunglasses which Haruka steals from him and Satsuki willingly puts them on. Later on, Natsuki's shoot is a success and he decided to randomly sing his theme song ( which I seriously feel was badly timed it was so random xD ). 

At least he looked hot here why can't he keep this hairstyle ew.

It's Cecil's turn in episode 8. ST☆RISH and the senpai-tachi go to an abandoned campsite. Tokiya plans to practice and out of all the people, Ren tries to convince him to stay with them and enjoy himself because teamwork is good. I took a lot of screenshots of AiAi because it doesn't look like the senpai are getting much coverage and Reiji once again becomes a kicked puppy thanks to his cold-hearted members. Cecil happens to be there as well. Basically, Cecil realises that he wants to be an idol, apologises to Haruka for wanting to see the smiles of others and not just hers. She comforts him and all is resolved. Then in the later part, everyone hears Cecil singing, rush to him, and Mirai Chizu happens. Yay for sparkles and glamorous hearts flying around. 


A heart flies to Reiji and pops. Cute. 

So Cecil wishes to join ST☆RISH and they agree, with much reluctance from Syo. The senpai-tachi are shocked. Reiji is interested in their teamwork. 

And then that night, Cecil receives a letter from the King of Aganpolis and Camus watches as his kouhai leaves. Now exactly what is happening here? 


I told you Mirai Chizu happened...

It is Episode 9 and everyone finds out that Cecil has been summoned by the King of Agnapolis and has to return. The boys have strong faith in Cecil and believe that he will return. The senpai disagree with this, except Reiji who watches as the boys firmly hold onto that belief. 
Yes, I'm guilty of taking this screenshots for his beautiful face asdf//shot

Haruka continues to compose a song for seven and everyone starts writing lyrics together, leaving Cecil's one blank. I thought that they would go to search for Cecil together and convince the king or something but they didn't T_T It's still fine by me because there wasn't too much drama about that. 

And then, as usual, Shining-san makes his ridiculously grand entrance...
 Yes, he scares even the tsunderes. 
Shining-san has decided on a song that ST☆RISH will sing. They refuse, adamant that Cecil will return and Shining-san disagrees ( déjà vu, anyone? ). Cecil makes his own grand entrance around the time that Shining-san is threatening the group and they sing. We see the cheesy stuff from last season though I do wish it had been more creatively portrayed this time. 
Why is he forever bumping into stuff and clinging onto them.

 As expected, Shining-san spasms, convulses and finds that elusive wave he has always been searching over. Cecil begs to be part of ST☆RISH and Shining-san agrees.

ST☆RISH. Now you know.
Um. How creative. Thought it was cute when they all did that. And Shining-san's monkey face...

Somehow in this secluded place, they see a broadcast. The Uta Pri Award has two nominees ; ST☆RISH and their new rivals, HEAVENS ( It's like HE☆VENS and I wonder why they have a star in their group name eeew ). Having rivals make it all the more interesting but looks like they all have horrible character. With this, the episode ends. 

Episode 10 signals the beginning of the storm. The screenshot at the top is actually from this episode. 

The head of the Raging whatsitcalledagain Company, dubbed Raging Ootori, is the father of the leader of HEAVENS and apparently, he and Shining-san go way back. The two challenge each other and they come to this conclusion ; the losing group will disband. Haruka is worried but the team comfort her and tell her that they will definitely not lose. The senpai are in their own ways, worried. Reiji teases RanRan about being concerned ( d'aww what a tsundere I swear ). AiAi calculates that ST☆RISH's chance of winning is 50%, which is higher than the others expected. There is a huge hype over this rare title and the group meet HEAVENS. 

As expected, things do not go well ( the leader of HEAVENS has this weird obsession over how pure and innocent the ST☆RISH members are ?! ). 

Seriously. ST☆RISH looks so much more appealing ._.

 AiAi calculates ( and is that worry I see in his eyes? <3 )

 Because episodes just can't pass by without Nanami being harassed...
Rabid fangirls after you life now, guy.

And weirdly enough, Tokiya's debut song turns up?

It was quite unexpected and random. I'm wondering why they had to show it now but with only 3 episodes left, there's only so much they can do. It was nice. I love Miyano-san's voice and inadvertently, Tokiya's and I always fall for his songs so I'll come to like it eventually. It was great seeing Tokiya flashback his memories with Haruka ( a total fangirl moment for Haruka x Tokiya fans ). I think this is a strong indicator that they should get together already.We need more airtime for the two of them alone. Seriously. Solve this the Hakuouki romance way. Or not //shot. 

Either way, everything so far has been awesome, cheesy,  predictable nevertheless enjoyable. UtaPri has that ability. 


( I'm such a nice person )

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