Saturday, May 4, 2013

I was excitedly waiting for the second season of Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ to air ( more fondly known as UtaPri ) after I finished watching everything last year. I've always been a hopeless romantic and reverse harems are my weak spot. If the main female lead is anything but useful, I like to envision myself as the center of attention and object of affection in the bishounens' eyes.

Season 2, has been so far amusing. I was waiting for the senpais appearances as well, especially Ai-ai's. So far, five episodes starring Nanami's clueless but adorable stupidity and not much of the senpais have aired. 

The opening and ending are awesome, the OP being Mamoru Miyano's Kanon 『カノン』and the ED being ST☆RISH's next concert song, creatively titled "Maji Love 2000%". The dance also has more gay hip thrusts which never fail to make me squeal and fall off the chair laughing. Into the first minute of the first episode, I was crying from the sheer joy of watching their dance. 

The first episode features Nanami discovering that she is lost right at the start ( everyone has apparently graduated from the school ). It's that cute trait of hers, I don't know. Can't really hate her. She actually gives good advice so...

We are introduced to three of the four senpais, namely Reiji, Ranmaru and Ai-ai and they sing a mix of Poison Kiss and Quartet☆Night ( I LOVE THOSE SONGS ). And after we are once again accustomed to how each one of the ST☆RISH boys love Nanami, the episode ends, signalling the appearance of Camus and Cecil in the next. 

True to our predictions, the two appear, Cecil first of course. Adorable-baka Nanami trips over literally nothing / grass ( I cannot even ) and the Prince catches her. The episode also involves him trying to kiss her and in the others' view, harass their beloved Nanami. It was amusing to watch their attempts to save Nanami. Camus appears in the later part to put Cecil in his place ( because he was acting really arrogant or something I don't know ) as his assigned senpai. That guy flew down the staircase, I swear. His epic entrance made me choke on my apple and just twitch there dying of laughter. 

That episode ends with Cecil realising that he has a long way to go as an idol and that becoming an idol simply to be with Nanami isn't allowed. 

From the next episode onwards, it's starting to look like it will be single-character focus episodes.

By now, it has been established that they must become "real" idols, not just one-hit idols who die out soon after their debut. To ensure their success, they are to begin working towards the "UtaPri Award" by gaining more fame and accomplishing more things as idols. 

Episode 3 was Syo's episode. He gets the chance to act along his long-time idol and ex-sensei, Hyuuga Ryuuya but his admiration is forced to a stop when Hyuuga-sensei tells him that they are now rivals. This makes him feel like he isn't good enough and thus affects his jumping. Later on, Nanami comes to help him but gets into a precarious situation and to save her, Syo makes the jump without realising it. He asks Nanami an important question and she answers in a manner that puts his heart and mind at ease ( go watch and find out :P ). By the end of that episode, everything is resolved and we move on to the next episode. 

Episode 4 was Masa's episode. He seems more handsome and adorable in this season. For Masa, he has been invited to audition in a historical play and he finds it difficult to hug the character. The members of ST☆RISH decide to help him, with hilarious effects ( and yes, Tokiya gave up his dignity ). 

While everyone's efforts dont't really pay off, Masa thanks them and walks off to try and find a solution. Cecil, seeing this, gives Masa some advice and asks a few questions which help the guy to successfully get the lead role in the audition. Nanami is indirectly involved and Masa thanks her, blushing like the tsundere he is when she gives that "Huh, what why are you thanking me" expression.  The episode ends off nicely and then one of the cutest episodes ever follow. 

Episode 5 was Otoyan's episode. We find out that despite his cheerful disposition, he grew up in an orphanage. Nanami stumbles upon him ( wow so conincidental ) after getting lost while shopping and she finds out about his situation. She later shares this with the other members of ST☆RISH because Otoyan didn't share this for fear of worrying the others. 


The children at the orphanage love Otoyan, dub him and Nanami a couple and are preparing for a bazaar. The day before that, they make Nanamia and Otoyan go to the Haunted House together because "couples usually go together" or something along the lines. With Nanami's fear of all things scary-looking ( honestly they were cutely drawn ghosts ), Otoyan gets the chance to hold Nanami's hand and wrap his arm protectively around her shoulder, all the while blushing like the adorable being he is. At the end, they find a beautiful display and a 'thank you' note from the children. And Otoyan's confession is once again interrupted, this time by Cecil's random skull ghost that popped up between him and Nanami. It was nice to hear the two of them screaming. 

On the day of the bazaar, no one turns up ( because there's a flea market nearby ) so Otoyan sings his song to cheer everyone up and as I predicted, quite a crowd had gathered by the time he finished his song. ST☆RISH also came along in stuffed bear costumes and everyone had fun. 

My trustworthy sources tell me that next week's episode is going to be Ren's. I'm impatiently waiting for Icchi's though :3

Either way, UtaPri has lived up to its expectations of fluff, cheese and epic fail moments so far so I can't wait for the next few episodes. 


Or so I say. 

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